By default, $(U err) outputs to the same location as stderr, which is the
console if there's one available.
It is a standard std.stdio.File instance, so it supports all the functions as
defined by this structure (write, writeln, open, lock, etc.)
$(U err) can be redirected to write to another output, independantly of
stderr, by using the open function. Note that unlike SFML's err(),
DSFML's err cannot be redirected to 'nothing' at this time.
By default, $(U err) outputs to the same location as stderr, which is the console if there's one available.
It is a standard std.stdio.File instance, so it supports all the functions as defined by this structure (write, writeln, open, lock, etc.)
$(U err) can be redirected to write to another output, independantly of stderr, by using the open function. Note that unlike SFML's err(), DSFML's err cannot be redirected to 'nothing' at this time.