
Base module of SFML, defining various utilities.


module dsfml.system.clock

Clock is a lightweight class for measuring time.

module dsfml.system.config

A module containing configuration settings.

module dsfml.system.err

By default, $(U err) outputs to the same location as stderr, which is the console if there's one available.

module dsfml.system.inputstream

This class allows users to define their own file input sources from which DSFML can load resources. * DSFML resource classes like $(TEXTURE_LINK) and $(SOUNDBUFFER_LINK) provide loadFromFile and loadFromMemory functions, which read data from conventional sources. However, if you have data coming from a different source (over a network, embedded, encrypted, compressed, etc) you can derive your own class from $(U InputStream) and load DSFML resources with their loadFromStream function. * Usage example:

module dsfml.system.lock

$(U Lock) is a RAII wrapper for DSFML's Mutex.

module dsfml.system.mutex

$(U Mutex) stands for "MUTual EXclusion". A mutex is a synchronization object, used when multiple threads are involved.

module dsfml.system.sleep

A module containing the sleep function.

module dsfml.system.string

A module containing functions for interacting with strings going to and from a C/C++ library as well as converting between D's string types. This module has no dependencies except for std.utf.

module dsfml.system.thread

Threads provide a way to run multiple parts of the code in parallel. When you launch a new thread, the execution is split and both the new thread and the caller run in parallel.

module dsfml.system.vector2

$(U Vector2) is a simple structure that defines a mathematical vector with two coordinates (x and y). It can be used to represent anything that has two dimensions: a size, a point, a velocity, etc.

module dsfml.system.vector3

Vector3 is a simple class that defines a mathematical vector with three coordinates (x, y and z). It can be used to represent anything that has three dimensions: a size, a point, a velocity, etc.
