- Direction
Vector3f Direction [@property setter]
Vector3f Direction [@property getter]
The orientation of the listener in the scene.
- GlobalVolume
float GlobalVolume [@property getter]
The global volume of all the sounds and musics. The volume is a
number between 0 and 100; it is combined with the individual volume
of each sound / music.
- GlobalVolume
float GlobalVolume [@property setter]
The global volume of all the sounds and musics. The volume is a
number between 0 and 100; it is combined with the individual volume
of each sound / music.
- Position
Vector3f Position [@property setter]
Vector3f Position [@property getter]
The position of the listener in the scene.
- UpVector
Vector3f UpVector [@property setter]
Vector3f UpVector [@property getter]
The upward vector of the listener in the scene.
- direction
Vector3f direction [@property setter]
Vector3f direction [@property getter]
The orientation of the listener in the scene.
- globalVolume
float globalVolume [@property setter]
float globalVolume [@property getter]
The global volume of all the sounds and musics.
- position
Vector3f position [@property setter]
Vector3f position [@property getter]
The position of the listener in the scene.
- upVector
Vector3f upVector [@property setter]
Vector3f upVector [@property getter]
The upward vector of the listener in the scene.
The audio listener is the point in the scene from where all the sounds are heard.